اللغة العربية

Environmental Atlas Of The State Of Kuwait

eMISK - Environmental Atlas of the State of Kuwait

The Environmental Monitoring Information System of Kuwait (eMISK) is an avant-garde approach initiated by KEPA. eMISK aims to establish, build and maintain a comprehensive geo-environmental database of Kuwait along with an enterprise-level GIS system built for accessibility, real-time editability and analysis of environmental data. This geoenvironmental database is available through eMISK to decisions makers, stakeholders from within KEPA, outside agencies and the public at large. Among the main objectives of eMISK are to raise awareness, at all levels of Kuwaiti society, about the importance of safeguarding the environment, and to place authoritative scientific information at the center of decision-making.

This current effort to produce environmental domain maps of the eMISK Geodatabase of Kuwait represents a milestone for KEPA. It brings together, in a beautifully illustrated and highly accessible format, a broad story that weaves together the major themes of Kuwait’s eMISK Geodatabase, and Kuwait’s environment. The applied approach followed in developing this Atlas highlights particular areas of data available in the eMISK database through cartographic maps and accompanying graphics. This is not meant to be a comprehensive environmental atlas using all available data from the eMISK database, but rather its primary purpose is to illustrate the effective application of selected eMISK datasets in highlighting both environmental challenges and opportunities that the eMISK data and mission can affect. The overarching concept of the Atlas is to demonstrate the value of eMISK in protecting and serving the environment of Kuwait through highlighting an example in each environmental domain.

Kuwait Environmental Domains

There are 11 maps that reflect the thematic environmental data featured in the eMISK Geodatabase.